Fuse Blog

The Missing Link Between Learning and Enterprise Business Performance

Written by Jennifer Reid | Feb 22 2021

Learning platforms boast many benefits, but ultimately, we’re here to drive measurable organisational performance and growth for the enterprise. 

Fuse customers trust us with laying the foundation and framework to drive successful business outcomes, and we’ve got a tonne of happy customers and some pretty damned amazing business performance improvement stats that prove just how well our approach is working. Just check out Avon’s Fuse platform driven 320% sales increase stat, and you’ll see what we mean! 

What may not be obvious is the detailed strategy and years of experience that Fuse has put into understanding how to demonstrably connect learners with the knowledge and expertise they need to improve their skills and perform. Coupled with the value of our technology platform, we’ve hit on a winning combination that has achieved amongst workforces what many LXPs have not: engagement. 

We’ve learned along the way how important it is to build engagement, and how it’s paramount to improving business performance. In fact, we’ve focused on it exclusively in this great ebook resource - Igniting L&D that Fuels Business Performance - which is dedicated to explaining how engagement is pivotal to achieving business outcomes. 

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing a few snapshot posts covering what you will learn from this excellent resource. This one is dedicated to enterprise L&D enthusiasts who want to make the link between learning and enterprise business performance, and to understand how to make those killer metrics that count.

When did enterprise learning lose sight of engagement? 

Even after sticking with us as we patted ourselves on the back over several nicely constructed paragraphs, you may be saying to yourself: fine, you’re not sugar coating the fact that you’ve been successful in helping many large businesses become even more profitable via learning…...but can you actually prove that you’re doing it? Can you explain how? 

We can, and it all comes back to showing how we’ve helped enterprise create a culture of engaged learning

If you’ve read this far, we don’t need to explain to you the true value of learning in the enterprise: from apprenticeships that began with the Industrial Age to education that defined the Information Age, the value of learning in the enterprise is well documented and has been around as long as the enterprise itself. 

But at some point, even though L&D has always been recognised as mission critical and a business-wide issue that impacts every aspect of business performance, it somehow got moved into a bit of a void. 

Many companies have adopted Learning Management Systems that approach learning from a control-based, course-centric point of view - which is effectively the opposite of the way we’ve approached learning at Fuse. Why? Because we know that courses don’t drive performance, and that they won’t facilitate the sharing of tacit knowledge and skill capital. Enterprise learning that forces content consumption and rigidly directs behaviour simply doesn’t work. 

But enough about the problem - let’s focus on the solution.

At Fuse, we’re big believers of in-flow and in-context learning, as well as user generated, creative content that taps into the tacit knowledge of people within the enterprise. When this is firing on all cylinders and encouraged by a great learning culture within an organisation, people feel engaged, and they continue to apply what they learn every single day. 

Engagement is our measurement for success, and this is because it’s the only metric that’s been proven to lead to deeper learning and positive behaviour change (and to demonstrable business benefits.)

Look at Avon’s Fuse platform again, and the relationship between engaged learning and business performance become immediately apparent: 

  • Soon after adoption, data pulled showed a 20% retention increase amongst beauty reps who engaged with the platform versus those who did not.
  • Even an incremental increase in monthly visits to the platform - the difference between low frequency (1 to 2 visits per month) and medium frequency (3 to 4 visits per month) - created dramatic uplifts of +320% in aggregate sales over a 6 month period.

On Avon’s Fuse platform, 75% of the content is user generated videos or suggestions that gain traction with comments, likes and shares. It resonates in a way that the company’s own content had not. Peer-to-peer, helpful information distributed amongst beauty reps made for a much more engaging learning experience. 

There’s a lot more to this case study in the ebook itself, and all of it shows just why engagement is the cornerstone of our methodology. 

If we said anymore, you’d have the entire plot! Igniting L&D that Fuels Business Performance will help you to learn how you can empower your people to go deeper, and to connect with the knowledge and expertise they need to improve their skills and perform beyond what you thought possible. Download it today and start your journey to improved business performance via engaged learning.